Here are a few sites for getting connected in the research world as a researcher...
ORCID-- FREE to register --it's a digital resume/CV for researchers... some journals require the ORCID # instead of a resume or CV--
ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that you own and control, and that distinguishes you from every other researcher. You can connect your iD with your professional information — affiliations, grants, publications, peer review, and more. You can use your ID to share your information with other systems, ensuring you get recognition for all your contributions, saving you time and hassle, and reducing the risk of errors.
Link here: ORCID for Researchers
ResearchGate (Free)- this helps with connecting to others in the research world, discovering new research, and seeing how your research is measured with reads and citations.. it also helps to advance your research once published..
Link here: ResearchGate | Find and share research
Academia (Free) -- This is similar to ResearchGate- it's another site that will help with connecting to others in the research world, discovering new research, and seeing how your research is measured with reads and citations.. it also helps to advance your research once published..
Link here: - Share research
It's not easy to break into research or to do research... but the above websites could help open the doors you need...
Let us know if these help you no matter if you are new to research or have been researching for years or if you know of another website that is beneficial for the research world...
All the best,
Thank you Linnette! This is great information